The Monetary Root-Layer of Bitcoin: The Logical Pre-Condition and Framework for a Factual-Scientific Discussion and Realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN)
(Abstract submitted for publication in a scientific journal- waiting for a positive decision…again).
In September 2015, the 193 member countries of the United Nations adopted a well-meant developmental agenda to end poverty, protect the planet, pursue peace and ensure prosperity and well-being for all: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Analogous to a house built on a toxic and unstable foundation, the 17 SDGs — with the intention of economic growth, social inclusion, environmental protection and the aim of a sustainable future for generations to come — were built on a fundamentally and inherently inflationary, exponentially debt-based, economically and socially destructive, and politically-juridically untouchable monetary (fiat-fractional reserve banking) system — privately controlled and owned by the global central banking cartel. In the process of addressing the potential of the “game changing” Blockchain, the UN cosmetically sprinkled its SDGs with one of the underlying technologies of Bitcoin, before even attempting to understand or solve the structural root-cause of the above mentioned global “symptoms” (wars, poverty, hunger etc.), human suffering, and social-environmental chain-reaction of damages.
The UN, for whatever reasons, continues to ignore the fundamentally “sustainable development goal” and the human right to a totally open, decentralized, censorship-resistant, unconfiscatable, immutable, fungible, divisible, trustless network-consensus-operated, sound, and hardest money ever created in human history, serving as store of value, medium of exchange, and unit of account. Bitcoin´s absolute scarcity of 21 million coins and its difficulty adjustment is set in stone. The stock-to-flow-ratio of Bitcoin will exceed that of gold in the years to come, eventually making Bitcoin inflation-free and each of its sub-units (1 Bitcoin=100 mio. Satoshis) will appreciate in purchasing power.
The “theories” of Keynes and “modern monetary theories”, which have been used to justify the uncontrollable centralized monopoly of infinite money printing for nearly a century, must and will first be totally replaced by the principles of Austrian Economics.
The author intends to prove that only with a sound, ethical, and healthy monetary root-layer — Bitcoin (Blockchain and its other applied technologies) — can the dreams and agenda of the United Nations manifest into a reality of “sustainability”.
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